Governo de Rondônia

COP 26

Centec Abaitará has vocation for Agribusiness and also contributes to climate issues in Rondônia

01 de novembro de 2021 | Governo do Estado de Rondônia

Centec Abaitará is located next to Pimenta Bueno State Ecological Park

Rondônia has agribusiness as the main pillar of socioeconomic development, a nuance that allows investiments in the Abaitará State Technical Center for Rural Education (Centec Abaitará), located it Pimenta Bueno city. In addition to its pedagogical practices aimed at production in the field, the institution also contributes to valuing the environment, especially with climate issues, a topic of greater evidence today.

Among the actions implemented is the large participation of students from indigenous, riverside and quilombola communities, enabling the exchange of experiences with other students, an incentive that comes from the technical course in Agroecology. The main lessons attributed are awareness, preservation and cares for forests, knowledge that are hallmarks of this institution.

Centec Abaitará, which is located next to the city’s State Ecological Park, is a large laboratory for studies and research for other educational institutions, and plays an important role in caring for the forest.

Educational campaigns are implemented focused on environmental issues, projects such as “A Safe Environment for Living Beings”, which deals with the preservation of the park’s fauna and flora, especially the protection of native animals that cross the 010 Highway where the school is located, and encouraging the planting of tree seedlings by its students, reinforcing the contribution to reducing climate change.

According to the presidency of the Technical Center the technical courses in Agribusiness and Agriculture are offered to more than 300 students currently, including young people and adults, in the modalities integrated with Secondary Education in addition to courses in Initial Training and Professional Qualification.

Recently, the Government of Rondônia invested R$ 9 million in the acquisition of four mobile units as a reforcement, taking mobile education to the 52 municipalities of the state. Two of those units is on wheels and promote courses in the area of ​​Agricultural Machines and Fish Farming.

The Centec Abaitará was created in October 2013 by the State Government, with a mission to promote teaching and technical learning aimed at developing entrepreneurial students with a focus on agroecological sustainability. Today, the space belongs to the Rondônia State Education Development Institute (Idep).

Translated by Lana Caroline Amorim Gomes Sarábia

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Texto: Jackson Vicente
Fotos: Daiane Mendonça, Adriana Lopes e Wânia Ressutti
Secom - Governo de Rondônia

Agricultura, Agropecuária, Cursos, Ecologia, Meio Ambiente, Rondônia


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