Governo de Rondônia


The 2nd Green Brazil Operation was one of the biggest actions to fight against the fires and illegal deforestation in Rondônia

01 de novembro de 2021 | Governo do Estado de Rondônia

After the conclusion of the 2nd Green Brazil Operation the Government of Rondônia implemented new actions for the environmental protection and preservation in the State

The 2nd Green Brazil Operation was highlighted in the actions carried out in Rondônia, had the objective of preventing and combating environmental crimes and emphasized the fight against fires and illegal deforestation.

The main activities in the state were commanded by the 17th Jungle Infantry Brigade. By the conclusion of the operation, the Government of Rondônia, through the Secretary of State for Environmental Development (Sedam), was able to implement new actions for the protection and preservation of the State’s environment.

The 2nd Green Brazil Operation began in May 2020 and lasted for about a year, ending in April 2021. More than 900 actions were carried out, in addition to activities in 47 environmental protection locations, including indigenous lands and extractive and biological reserves.

The main activities were commanded by the Brazilian Army in Rondônia


  • number of fires fought: 356;
  • area under fire: 54,777.33 hectares;
  • prisons: 44;
  • terms of infraction and fines: 454;
  • logging companies visited: 94;
  • timber seizures: 56,745,519 cubic meters;
  • seized vessels: 74;
  • vehicles seized: 81;
  • seized weapons and ammunition: 33
  • drugs seizure: 16,250kg.

In cases of fire, there was a fine in the amount of R$ 359,882,095.01, and, for seized wood, a fine in the amount of R$ 100 million was applied.

*Translated by Lana Caroline Amorim Gomes Sarábia

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Texto: João Antônio Alves
Fotos: Edcarlos Carvalho
Secom - Governo de Rondônia

Ecologia, Governo, Legislação, Meio Ambiente, Rondônia, Serviço, Servidores, Sociedade


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