Governo de Rondônia

COP 26

“Planted Forest” is a solution for the sustainable development of Rondônia

01 de novembro de 2021 | Governo do Estado de Rondônia

Large areas of the Planted Forest Project in Rondônia reveal an effort by the government to take advantage of degraded areas and sustainable production

The forecast is to transform an area ​​about 45 thousand hectares of degraded area into planted forest December this year, as the Government of Rondônia act with its strategic planning, to produce and grow with sustainability, making it possible the use of these areas to prevent the opening of new fronts for agriculture and livestock.

The “Planted Forest” Project, although with little publicity, is running and has become a factor of productive diversity in the agricultural environment of the State. In some projects, especially in the southern region of Rondônia, eucalyptus and pine plantations coexist very well with rice, citrus and even pasture crops, in addition to productive consortia directed at planting cocoa, banana and papaya in various projects across the state, which have the guidance of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and the Agricultural Technical Assistance and Extension Company in Rondônia (Emater).

For Governor Marcos Rocha, the satisfaction of doing the right thing in the midst of the planetary movement for environmental preservation has increasingly encouraged the Government and society to look for sustainable production alternatives that do not harm nature and preserve natural resources. “This feeling of preservation is what we are working to prevent of opening new areas for agriculture in Rondônia, with the consequent reuse of the abandoned brushwood”, said the governor to justify the Floresta Plantada Project.


Along these lines and with the same objective, the Government of Rondônia, through the Secretariat for Environmental Development (Sedam) developed and is executing the “Recovery Project”, with initiatives to produce 688,000 seedlings of various forest species, which are already heading to the final phase, as well as another 500,000 seedlings of these species that the State Government is acquiring for the recovery of other areas targeted for permanent preservation.

Thus, the “Recovery Project” is a bridge with the “Planted Forest” and emerges in all regions of the state initially with the implementation (expansion and construction) of 11 nurseries for the production of seedlings, which supply the interested properties.

Productive consortium of forest species with citrus, vegetables and pastures is a successful strategy for the project

Production is expanding thanks to an agreement signed with the State Department of Justice (Sejus) which is enabling the production of over 180,000 seedlings of forest species in prison areas in six municipalities in Rondônia.

Brazil nuts are among the species cultivated in the nurseries implemented by Sedam in various regions of the state













Translated by Lana Caroline Amorim Gomes

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Texto: Cleuber Rodrigues Pereira
Fotos: Rinkon Martins, Daiane Mendonça e Paulo Sérgio
Secom - Governo de Rondônia

Agricultura, Agropecuária, Governo, Meio Ambiente, Rondônia


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